The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

To My Faithful Fuel Belt

Dear Fuel Belt and your partner in crime Gatorade,

I sincerely apologize for ever doubting your essential help on long training runs. You have served me well through my last two really long endeavors.

And to my new best friend Gatorade - you truly are the silent hero. While water is my lifelong companion, you really outdid yourself today. The 28.5 km wouldn't have been nearly as enjoyable without your blue, frosty help.

You two are a match made in heaven.

See you next week.


Steve Tait said...

...very cool!

Sarah said...

You're insane! 28.5 km????? Willingly?

Crazy.... =)