The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Locked In

I thought I should update my Marathon status.

Yes, I am registered.

Locked in.

Signed. Sealed. And (Nearly) Delivered.

There's no turning back.

I have even booked my hotel room the night before - Paul's Motor Inn...yes, it is as luxurious as it sounds, ah hem. You know what - it has a bed, a shower, and a crapper. Really, what else could a girl ask for.

And my fundraising status you ask?

Well, I am excited and encouraged to say that I am close to reaching my minimum goal. That said, I would much prefer to attain more than simply the minimum.

So...if you could dig down deep and pull out a few of those hard earned dollar bills..oh wait, we don't print dollar bills anymore? Well, a five would do. A ten would be awesome. And twenty...well, that would be like pledging approximately $0.50/km. I would be ever so grateful.

If you don't recall what the fundraising is for, other than it is through our agency in Victoria then you can read here...or here to find out more.

And, as a side note I have been very inspired. The majority who have financially supported me are really stretching your buck. And isn't it incredible how the tighter we hold on to our material goods, the harder they seem to come by. Yet, the more readily we give them away and challenge ourselves, the more blessed we are.

Seriously, to all those who have supported me thank you a million-fold. I am motivated, encouraged, inspired, uplifted, comforted, driven, and truly truly touched by your giving.

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