The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Slick, Sunny, Saturday

In an attempt to not think about the only thing I seem to be able to think about, we headed out to the park for some real Vitamin D.

It was crisp, cold, and calming.

But please, someone talk me down, (or distract me).

I don't think I can hold out for 23 more days...

1 comment:

jennamichele said...

So, I'm coming to the Senior High Retreat and I have the Monday off as well. I'm thinking of staying until monday night. How about I steal the boys ahem...and your car on Monday morning to go to the swimming pool. Guess that would give you more time to think, but less stress so you can fully think it through... (or something along that lines ;))