The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blogger's Block

I seem to have come upon a wall. I'm stuck for what to say, what to share, and how to express some opinions. It's not for a lack of topics. No friends, there are are many things floating around in this head of mine. Getting them out - written...typed for that matter, seems to be a thing of difficulty. The week - last and this - have been quite full and I love it. Perhaps though, it's this keeping busy, (you know, to keep my mind off other things) that inhibits my ability to really get something meaty down on the screen in front of me. Maybe this is good. Maybe it's bad. For now, I'll look at it as a season and enjoy the moment.

Moments which bring warmth and peace as we move quietly and gently through February (which, by the way is going radically better than January) are these...

hearing the younger one say of the older one, "he is my best friend" and then watching as they share in the joy of words on the page...and finding Goldbug
the warmth felt inside simply by peering at the colours of the wool and cotton just waiting to be formed into something equally as comforting. the excitment that comes from scheming and dreaming what will come next is almost too much...and the wonder at the story behind these skeins (as they are almost all thrift finds) leaves me speechless
seeing to completion, the paper mache bowl
the reminder that spring - in all it's colour - is truly on it's way
the lesson that deer truly will walk up to your doorstep and enjoy all your hard work...tulips and pansies...that they do not like daffodils...and the reminder that rural living isn't always all it's cracked up to be...sigh
smiling at the knowledge that these new knobs will soon replace the more traditional ones, once this piece has been distressed and given a little tlc...I must get my act together on that one...and that this will be furniture enjoyed by one small sweet african small sweet african girl, someday
glancing at my favourite wall in the house each time we go up and down our stairs

1 comment:

jennamichele said...

I had the SAME knobs on my dresser as a little girl! I loved them!