The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

7 Months - Did You Know I Am Pregnant

While not physically growing in the mid-section, I am pregnant on paper.

And, though I may not look as though I am in what I will term my second trimester, I can assure you we are expecting.

The nausea throughout this roller-coaster experience has been, on some days, comparable to that during my first and (often) second trimesters...when physically pregnant.

And to have been able to experience both has been truly a blessing. I know I will feel this even more strongly when this part of the journey concludes. Because, as Imagine so perfectly states...

We begin with the end in mind.

Though today we hit the 7 month mark in our official waiting period, we've been in this journey for 13 1/2 months.

I think of the first trimester from the moment we applied (you will recall my anxiety of the money handover!) until the moment our dossier arrived in Addis Ababa. This was a 6 1/2 month trimester - phew.

This second trimester, while currently sits at 7 months will likely take another 4-5 months to see completion. Ironic, isn't it - that the second trimester is the longest during physical pregnancies also?! Upon questioning our caseworker the other day it was confirmed that while "things" have not sped up in the wait times department, they have neither slowed down, at this time. This in itself is reason enough for a small victory dance.

Because 7 is greater than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. ( case math wasn't your strongest subject)

Because as I detailed last month, I feel as though the mountain is being peaked and "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can." is ringing it's pleasantries in my head.

Because most days I wake and the sun, lately has been shining.

Because there is colour in my face.

Because there is vitamin D in it's purest form when I walk outside.

Because the world is simply happier and more hopeful when there is bright in the atmosphere.

Because I can just feel we are that much closer.

Because Nana and Pops arrive in a few days for a couple (!) of visits.

Because my sister is home from her year "abroad" shall-we-say, in only 2 more sleeps.

Because in less than a week our summer staff will begin to trickle in and we all know the summer comes like a wave. A beautiful, often overwhelmingly busy but blessed wave, which retreats as quickly as it was upon us.

And because then maybe, just maybe...there will be news.

So while there isn't a day, a morning run, an evening lying in bed, an experience while out with the boys, when I'm not praying for her or wondering, "what will this be like when she is here with us?"...

I am working on patience.

It is honestly something that can be learned - and isn't just innate.

And the future is looking bright.

1 comment:

jennamichele said...

Ashleigh, you should write a book!