The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What's New

I've added a couple of new site links over on the right. They are two sites of real interest. Families of Imagine Adoption (FIA) and Families With Hope are two incredible groups of parents who have joined together to Fight For Our Children.

If you are looking for up to date, truthful information please click on the links to get latest.

I will try to post what I feel to be the most pertinent information but this is such an "up and down" journey, I sometimes need a break.

Today was a good day in the world of bankruptcies and adoption. The Ministry in Ontario is doing a good job. They understand, or are at least trying to understand, the heartbreak and the right of children in Ethiopia to live full lives. They are making no promises at this point in time, but they are working in the right direction. This is so praiseworthy.

Please pray for the BDO Creditor's Meeting being held on Thursday. This is another big step towards our next big step.

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