The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Check, Check And Nearly Check

A productive day on many accounts. I'm excited mentally but emotionally I'm still so very guarded. I'm not sure that will ever change.

Today, we crossed a couple of significant items off the 'to do' list...
  • vaccinations (and while we thought this would be a 1 appointment event, it seems we need enough of them to warrant a second appointment in a week...) - check
  • securing/booking our flights - check
Yes, you read that right.

We have tickets to ETHIOPIA BABY.

Once they're in our hot little hands (or in my hot little inbox) I'll be contacting our accommodation of choice and booking our room. (I contacted our guest house last week and our room of choice was available.) - nearly check

Oh my.

It hasn't sunk in. We leave in less than three weeks.

We're. Going. To. Ethiopia.


And we are so very very grateful - not letting a moment, an event, a ticked box on the list of preparations go by without a deep sense of gratitude for the grace shown to us.

No, we don't take these steps for granted.

We feel so very very blessed.

1 comment:

sarah said...

I'm so excited for you and your family! I hope these next three weeks fly by for you. You'll be holding your daughter before you know it.