The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's Closing In

Can you feel it?

That crisp fall feel in the air?

It's sneaking it's way in to those early morning sunrises and those after supper playtimes.

Day by day it wriggles into the dew on the grass and the chill in the air just a teeny bit more than the one before.

It's closing in...the end of summer is near.

Our summer will climax at it's very end: starting this Sunday to be precise. It will peak for an entire week and then, as if imitating a firecracker it will BANG and all will cease.

All will be silent.

And the knowledge, recollection, and sheer understanding of the fact that nearly 4000 campers inhabited, dwelled, lived, grew, were changed, found life, sought more, were offered something they couldn't have - in their wildest imaginations - ever imagined possible will be but that: mere knowledge.

Like waking from a dream, within a split second the atmosphere will morph.

It's an unexplainable phenomenon, our end of summer.

So, while doing our best, (now that it seems we've exited the horridness that was our flu-filled-four-walls) to enjoy every last minute of the sun, we headed off to enjoy what was supposed to be a hot morning. It was a slightly spur of the moment mini-adventure and it was wonderful.

Another morning at the lake.

It baffles my mind...

the way this small three year old...

has gone from timid...

to intrepid...

all in one short summer...

without so much as a nudge in...

he now takes pleasure in being the first, and making the biggest splash.

And this sweet, small five year old boy...

is king of the crawlers...

through sheer determination...

he has mastered the art of quickly, quietly swimming his way to the dock...

without so much as a...

"look at me go!"...

he persevered and presses on...never to be pushed around or made fearful of the deep blue beneath him.

Now let's pause a moment while I share with you about this man.
Words could never adequately explain or do justice to my feelings for him.
He is the one who, daily, many many times reminds me he thinks I am beautiful.
He is the one who tells me daily of his love, his devotion, and his desire for me.
He is the one who has my heart and who holds it gently, carefully, unconditionally, each and every single day.

And that was our little family's little adventure to the Lake one final time.

And it was lovely.

1 comment:

Gretta said...

this was delightful