The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Throughout our journey I found a real peace when out in the garden. "It's cheap therapy!" I've often been heard saying. I never had any desire to be out among our flower beds or under the rhododendrons. Things were growing everywhere, our second year (and two very small children) into this house. Ironically I can literally pin point the date in July 2009 when I found sanctuary in the dirt.

Unfortunately for me, it rains here. Lots. So what's a girl to do with time on her hands, a journey wrought with the ebb and flow of change, and a need to do something therapeutic. Running has a finite timeline each week and chocolate, well, it counteracts the whole running thing. Fortunately, I've found a passion in re-finishing odd (and some old) pieces of furniture. I'm no pro and there's not an artistic bone in my body but I've taken heart in transforming fragments into functional furniture.

Over the past few months, after being gifted an incredible dresser from my grand-father, I've been cleaning and sanding and wiping and sanding and priming and painting and ( get the picture - it was a big job).

And last night it finally made it's way into our room. And I wish the photo did it justice. It already was a beautiful piece, now it's just been given a little extra TLC.

Fortunately for me (and for the garden!) it's spring (in theory) so attention will return to the garden (where it's already been focused for the past many weeks).

Oh, and on one small sweet babe a continent away.

We are focusing all that we can on her and on bringing her home.

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